Exercise within the Elderly

Sitting exercise classes
Parachute ball games
Dancing in the living room

Exercise is an important part of nearly everyone’s everyday health, including older adults. Experts say seniors should be staying fit and healthy for as long as possible to help improve happiness and quality of life.

There can be many reasons why our physical activity slows down as we age, this can be due to medical concerns, lifestyle changes, weight or pain issues or mental health issues. As we grow older, it becomes more important than ever to include exercise in our daily routine.


What are the benefits of maintaining regular exercise into your golden years?

  • Maintains independent living

  • Better cardiovascular health

  • May assist cognitive function

  • Reduces anxiety and depression

  • Helps with flexibility

  • Improves strength

  • Improves bone density

  • Prevents falls

  • Assists weight loss

  • Improves sleep


At Compton View, we provide gentle but enjoyable forms of exercise included in our daily activities or entertainment sessions. This can vary from catching and throwing games in our living room, to taking a stroll up the road to the local park. Sometimes we just have a wander around the garden and admire our various flower beds. We encourage our residents to be as active as they can, and also ensure that they are getting enough fresh air.

Medical issues and pain concerns can be a big factor in the reasons why we want to spend more time resting, but this can actually be the biggest determination to get moving. Becoming more active can energize your mood, relieve stress, help you manage symptoms of illness and pain, and improve your overall sense of well-being. 


There are often myths around exercise as we age:

"I’m too old to start exercising."

You’re never too old to get moving and improve your health! In fact, adults who become active later in life often show greater physical and mental improvements than their younger counterparts.

"I’m too weak or have too many aches and pains."

Getting moving can help you manage pain and improve your strength and self-confidence. Many older people find that regular activity not only helps stem the decline in strength and vitality that comes with age but actually improves it. The key is to start off gently.


Getting active isn't about adding years to your life, but adding life to your years.


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